Our Philosophy
Our work is undertaken out of creating a relationship with you – a holistic approach to individual and organisational growth and development.
We are committed to providing our Clients with a “best value for money” approach, helping people to give of their best.
We believe that every team and its members can become more productive through group and individual development. We deliver bespoke solutions, with integrity, to ensure that the needs of the organisation, the team and individual are met within available resources.
To enable us to identify the Client’s needs quickly, the Consultants of The Bridge Consultancy use a distinctive approach called F- I- R- S-T.
This structured method of approaching situations ensures the tailored support of our Clients, whether that Client be an organisation, a team or an individual.
We put our Clients F- I- R- S-T by using the following strategy:
- F-ocus on the issues...
What exactly is involved?
- I-nformation…
What are the options?
- R-ealism…
What are the constraints?
- S-cope
What is the broader picture?
- T-actics
What is the strategy and level of support required at different times?
We work with organisations, teams and individuals, providing the option of review meetings. We provide support over an extended period to chart progress, agreeing a programme for the appropriate resolution of the issue(s) concerned.
A systems approach with an integrated project team – that ‘hidden resource’ for you to draw upon!
Distance no object!
We can work with you face-to-face or by e-mail, telephone, Skype or Vsee.